Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we will always offer a better rate of exchange than any bank or high street exchange or airport exchange. Call us for details.

You must be introduced to us by an existing client and have appropriate ID – see below.

If you wish to buy foreign currencies from us, please note we do not accept cash payments. All orders must be paid for by bank transfer only and this payment must come from the bank account held by the client. We will not accept payments on behalf of third parties.

We always carry a stock of Euros and US Dollars but other currencies can be purchased on request. Please contact us for details.

Yes. We only accept cheques up to a value of £4999. 

 If you are accepted as a client, you must supply the following:

  1. Valid passport or driver's licence.
  2. Recent utility or credit card bill verifying home address and dated within 3 months.
  3. Business card, which shows premises address, contact details, and nature of busines.
  4. Bank statement or utility bill with your business name, dated within 3 months.

In most cases yes. It depends on the drawer of the cheque and the amount.